Copyright © 2022 Pugglesville. All rights reserved.
Q: What major differences, if any, are there between a male and female?
A: Male dogs tend to be more stable in mood than female dogs -- less prone to emotional swings. Some
male dogs are bolder than females, while other males are "goofy" and "klutzy". Males can tend to have
more drive to be “pack leader. Once fixed, these subtle differences virtually disappear.
Q: What is puppy currently being fed and how much?
A: At about the time that puppies are being picked up / shipped they are being fed NutriSource Small
Breed Puppy Food. They get one third of a cup 3 times a day for a total of one cup a day. There will be a
feeding chart on the food that you buy and puppy will graduate to one and a half cups a day when they
reach eight pounds.
Q: Can I change the food that puppy is eating?
A: Yes. You can change the puppy's food any time but the puppy should be transitioned to the new food.
Too quick of a transition can cause digestive issues like diarrhea which could lead to other issues. Slowly
change from a mix of mostly old food to a mix of mostly new food over a one week period.
Q: How long must my puppy eat the "Small Bites" version of a particular puppy food?
A: Your puppy could actually graduate from "Small Bites" as of the time of pickup. They have been
exposed to larger food before they leave Pugglesville and generally have no problems with it.
Q: My puppy whines when left alone. Is something wrong?
A: No. your puppy is simply not used to being by him/herself. We do much to prepare your puppy for the
transition but separation anxiety is normal. He/she will adapt quickly (2 to 3 days) but not overnight. It is
important that you not inadvertently encourage whining by "rescuing" the puppy every time he/she does it.
It can even help to discourage whining through negative reinforcement (See next question).
Q: How should I "correct" negative behaviors?
A: There are as many schools of thought regarding this as there are puppies. If the negative behavior is
"whining" you could simply walk away rather than rush to pickup the puppy then as soon as they are quiet
rush in and pick him/her up. Some people have used a simple squirt bottle with great success. It's a
harmless yet effective way to "snap" the puppy out of whatever negative mode they're in.
Q: How big will my puppy get?
A: A Puggle puppy can ultimately end up anywhere from 15 to 30 lbs depending on many factors (activity
level, diet, size of your puppy's litter, size of parents). I've found the size of the litter to be the largest
factor. As a general rule your Puggle should end up between 23 to 27 lbs maximum.
Q: When will my puppy's next shots be due?
A: Shots are due every three weeks from the six week point. You puppy will have had his/her first shots
when you pick him/her up (occasionally second also if shipped). His/her next shots will be due at around
nine and twelve weeks. You will receive a shot record and Vet receipt for any shots given with your
puppy. It is probably best to allow your Veterinarian to establish an inoculations schedule during the 72
hour well puppy examination.
Q: Will I be able to choose a puppy that's right for me?
A: Honestly, if any puppy isn't right for you I can't help worrying, but puppy selection is in the order in
which we received deposits. Therefore 2 buyers (one of each gender) will ultimately not have a choice. It
is important to point out that its is impossible to really go wrong.
Q: What criteria should I use to choose my puppy?
A: Honestly, I would worry more about coloring and physical characteristics on selection day. It is
important to keep in mind that dogs are like clay and it is your responsibility to mold them. They are what
you make of them through training, discipline, love, and encouraging/discouraging behaviors. Our
puppies leave Pugglesville with very consistent temperaments through extensive socialization, however
most aspects of their future temperament will be in the hands of their new family. Puppies have "moods"
and buyers who choose by a criteria based on personality, activity level, etc. would choose a different
puppy given a different day.
Q: Do you have any "Housebreaking" tips?
A: Absolutely! Your puppy will already be largely "paper trained" when you pick him/her up. It should
then be a simple transition from paper to outside. Specifically for "number two" it is helpful to feed on
schedule to start. If your puppy eats on a schedule he/she will likely "number two" immediately after
eating. Take puppy outside for 10 minutes or so after eating and he/she should potty.
Q: Can I take my new puppy so that everyone can meet him/her?
A: I would recommend only the Vet's office to start out. I would not take puppy anywhere where dogs
congregate (other than the Vet's office) until after third shots. If you must travel during the first 12 weeks,
be diligent. Carry your puppy whenever possible. If out for the day, choose an isolated spot for potty
breaks. At the Vet's office keep your puppy in a kennel.
Q: When should I have my new puppy spayed/neutered?
A: Opinions may differ slightly from Vet to Vet but six months to a year is the recommended time to
perform a spay or neuter. Some Vets may suggest spay/neuter before six months but I wouldn't suggest
it much before.
Q: Can I use store bought "puppy pads" for housebreaking my new puppy?
A: You may, but we recommend against it for a couple of reasons. Newspapers are more cost effective
and similar in absorbency. Puppies are less likely to "play with" the newspapers but, if they do,
newspaper is harmless wood pulp and vegetable dyes. Puppy pads contain some form of potentially
toxic absorbent material and "attractant" chemicals. Newspapers are also a more "green" approach from
an "environmental" standpoint.
Q: Will my Puggle stay the same color as he is now?
A: Generally your new puppy Will lighten some with time. The fine black hairs that that you see
"peppered" through the coat of some Puggles will generally diminish within the first year. The "fawn" color
will also usually lighten to some degree depending on the Puggle.
Q: Will my new puppy be OK if I leave for long period like for work?
A: Your new puppy will gradually develop more bladder/bowel control throughout the first 10 or so
months. To start out though, a pen would be much better than kennel for anything over a couple of hours.
An exercise kennel can be obtained at any pet supply outlet. I recommend the 8 panel 24 inch tall variety
minimum. At 8 months or so some Puggles can "clear" the 24 inch pens so you may want to consider
how long you plan to use the pen.
Q: Is there anything I should watch for health-wise in the first months after I pickup my puppy?
A: Absolutely. Virtually everything that could be wrong with your puppy presents itself first as Diarrhea.
Watch and make note of your puppy's stool. If your puppy develops diarrhea that persists more than a
few days it's usually a sign that something is wrong. At that point I would recommend taking your puppy,
with a sample of the stool, to the Vets as soon as you can.
One of the most important things to remember with a puppy is that they are very much like a new
baby (only for a much shorter period of time). It is important that you practice patience and
consistency. By the four month point you will be amazed at what your puppy will have learned
and by 6 to 8 months they will have become very much like adult dogs.
If you any further questions, comments or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at any time at