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Hi Pugglesville, Our puppy Louis is the cutest baby ever! We love Him He is doing awesome and learning fast. He's still in his puppy stage so he is still somewhat of a trouble maker- but so adorable. He is learned quickly to do his business outside or in his litter box. He was quick to learn going potty in the litter box, because we put newspaper in there. He did however poop outside of the litter box once during the day and we quickly put him in his litter box. When we came home from work yesterday, he had pooped in the litter box. He is also learning to sit and lay down. I can't believe how quickly he is learning. He's a very comical little guy. He is also exploring the house more. He has figured out he can run circles around the couch. He's hilarious! thank you for such a cute puppy Teresa
Hi Pugglesville, Just writing to let you know how much we love our little guy! Our boy, Kai , is very loving and friendly. He has adjusted well to his new home. Within a couple hours after bringing him home, he was at ease. He has been attending puppy playgroup at our vet's office every Saturday, and everyone can't believe how social he is for being new to the class. Everyone comments how they have never seen a puppy be so interactive with the others when they are so new, .especially since Kai is the youngest! We have lots of fun with Kai and are loving every second having him home with us. We can't thank you enough for raising such great puppies! He sure is handsome & lots of fun! Thanks again, Barbara, Levi & Kai
Pugglesville, I just wanted to write and say thank you for our beautiful baby girl, Maze. She's the most wonderful addition to our family and she and her brother Odd are best friends. She is healthy, has the best personality we could ask for, and good looks too! You should be commended as a breeder. I'm so happy we found you! Please give Brandy a big hug from us and her little girl. Nicole and Greg Richmond, VA
Hello Pugglesville, I just can't thank you enough on how wonderful you were as well as to work with. Dunkin is getting very big and is spoiled beyond belief. He is very loved in my household as well as my entire neighborhood. I could not be happier and he is a very smart puppy! He will be getting some training very soon and I can't wait. I have included some recent pictures of him for you to see. Thank you again so much and as he gets older I will send more pictures. Melody - Boston, MA
eight years ago today Maggee came into the world! And since that wonderful day in September when I brought her home we have been inseparable. Maggee is the most lovable and involved dog ever. We spend so much time playing and taking long walks around the Seattle area. We started celebrating Maggee's birthday early and spent the day with one of her best friends Nola. We went to a dog park to play and to the Three Dog Bakery for snacks. Thanks Pugglesville for bringing my best friend into my life. Best wishes to all of Maggee's extended family! Jody & Maggee
Pugglesville, Zu Zu is doing good. she just fits right into the family. Whenever we take her out, so many people come rushing up to us and tell us how cute she is. Just like having a new baby. She really loves our kids and wants to play with them all the time. Pam