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Pugglesville, Thanks for my wonderful Duncan! He is thriving, energetic, very lovable, very social, very trainable. I took him to puppy training class and he was the youngest and the smallest but he held his own. He sits on command and holds the position till I tell him okay, is potty trained to go outside, sleeps through the night. Everyone adores him, as do I. He is very healthy, active, lovable and everyone adores him. He couldn't be more beautiful. He prances when he walks down the sidewalk carrying some precious bit of stick he picks up. Everyone notices him and comments and I always tell everyone what good shape he was in when I got him. The only problem I've had training him is training me. I tell lots of people where I got him. I imagine a few of them will contact you. Thanks for raising such a healthy, socialized little guy. Rosie, Vancouver, WA
Hello Pugglesville, Beasley is a cutie we love him so much! We've had him for a little over four months and its been absolutely so much fun. He is getting so big and happy and healthy. We Just wanted to send you some updated pictures. There are some cute pictures from some of his first adventures in Olympia. Probably from about a month ago. We are also sending some pictures from Christmas, Halloween (he was a monkey) and just bumming around enjoy! thank you again for him he is such a blessing with all his crazy antics and loving personality. Christine & Matt - Olympia, WA
Hi Pugglesville, I just wanted to tell you how much we are enjoying our new puppy "Griffey". He has very sweet, has a calm temperament and is just amazing. I am sure a lot of that has do with those first 7 weeks. Thank you. There is no cost too great to have a good start like you give them. I will send you some pictures! "Griffey" is beautiful! He is an awesome dog and has quite a personality. He is a huge lover. We continue to be thankful and appreciative of our experience with you. He is an absolutely healthy, happy, vibrant dog and we cannot imagine our life without him. Such a character! He is a very special little guy and we adore him! Thanks again! Jennifer - Ridgefield, WA
Hey Pugglesville, Here are some photos of Dizzy. One was taken at about 4 months old, the other was from a while back, when her sister "Bailey" came to visit. I think it is hilarious. They were all tuckered out after playing. Dizzy is doing well. She graduated from Puppy Obedience class this evening and has made some great progress. She is an active bundle of joy and perfect for our family. We love her coloring, and are hoping she'll keep some of the black. Last weekend she ventured with us to Pike Market where she was a huge hit. Thank you for giving her a great start. We just love her!! Fondly, The Wray Family - Issaquah, WA
Pugglesville, Lucy is doing well. She is now almost eight months old and very cute. We are completely in love with her and make every excuse in the book when she does anything naughty! She's actually a very well behaved little girl. She's in great physical shape because of all the exercise she gets. She's very buff. We have a great area for walking with a huge wooded park nearby so we take her there often. She loves our daily walks, especially on the trails through the equestrian park near our home. There are so many interesting smells along the way. She love the boat and gets all our attention out there, so I'd say she's got a pretty sweet life. We've had her out on the boat several times and she seems to love it so we are looking forward to the summer and taking her on more adventures. She's brought us all a lot of joy with all of her antics. I just went to your website and read some of the testimonials and concur with them. she's a wonderful member of our family. . She's wonderful with the grandchildren. Very gentle but more than happy to run with them for hours. Thanks for a great little companion. Bonnie - Bellevue, WA
Pugglesville, I can't believe it has been one month already since we picked up Kylo. I want to thank you for the work you did to socialize him and paper train him before we got him. He loves people and potty training was a breeze. No accidents in a week! He is already mastering the basic commands and we are excited to do more training with him because he is so smart. He is such a good fit for our family, he enjoys running and playing in the backyard and then coming in for a long nap. Thanks again. The Berrey Family - Vancouver, WA